When Should You Take Your New Pet to the Vet?

Owning a new pet can be exciting and rewarding. You will feel a new sense of responsibility that will last for as long as you have your new furry companion. If you are wondering when to take your new pet to the vet, read below to learn.


Why You Need to Take Your New Pet to the Vet

Taking your new pet to the vet is always a good idea. Doing so helps ensure they are healthy. You also get a chance to have the veterinarian at Westminster Veterinary Group answer all questions you have about their health concerns and vaccines.


When to Take Your Pet for Their First Visit

Take your new pet to the vet within their first week of being in your possession. Doing so will allow you to get a feel of your new pet, study their behaviors, and monitor their health. If you rush straight to the vet from the shelter or breeder, you may not report the needed information you could have if they settled after a few days.


How to Prepare for Your Pet’s First Visit

Ideally, gather information before the day of your visit. You may need to know whether your pet traveled from another part of the world or a different region in your country. It is essential that you know whether they have a good appetite or if they have diarrhea or vomit often. You can also talk about how they are responding to potty training. The more information you have, the better your veterinarian can serve your pet.


First Visit Checklist 

It is essential to ensure you have:


  • Veterinary records from the shelter or previous breeder

  • A list of concerns or questions you may have

  • Notes of the type of treats or amount of food you feed them

  • A carrier or crate lined with towels or clothes smelling like home

  • Harness or leash and collar

  • Small treats

  • A toy

  • Forms your veterinary gave you that you already filled out

  • A fresh stool sample

Make your pet enjoy their experience at the vet and not fear the whole process. Carry their favorite treats and do not overfeed them so they can get excited about the treats they will receive at the vet.


What to Expect at Their First Visit

The veterinary staff will begin by asking you about your pet’s history and how they behave and adapt to being in your home. They will then do a weight check and measure the pet’s respiratory notes, pulse, and temperature. Next, they will perform a physical examination on your pet.

Expect the veterinary staff to examine how your pet moves around the room. The vet will analyze your pet's whole body, including nails, feet, skin, eyes, ears, genitalia, and nose. Expect them to open the pet’s mouth to observe their gums, teeth, and other structures. The ears and eyes will also need examination done using instruments for magnification and lighting.

Your pet’s lymph nodes, organs in the abdomen, and joints will get examined through palpitating. They will also listen to their lungs and heart using a stethoscope. Your pet’s reflexes will also get observed. Your veterinarian may have to collect a stool sample if you do not bring one so they can check for intestinal parasites.

Your veterinarian may also draw blood samples if your pet is six months to test for heartworm infection. They may also run other lab work depending on what they observe.

For more about taking your new pet to the vet, visit Westminster Veterinary Group at our office in Westminster, California. Call (714) 899-1100 to book an appointment today.

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