Exotic Pet Preventative Care and Emergency Preparedness

Having an ordinary pet is easy, helped by online information about caring for them that you can easily access. But when you have an exotic pet, things are significantly different. You will quickly learn that exotic pets have different habits, needs, and requirements for living than regular pets. It is for this reason that getting a vet who specializes in exotic pets is essential. 

The most important part of pet care is preventative care. It is the best way to keep your pet safe and healthy and to ensure they live a long, happy life. Another critical aspect is emergency preparedness. While they can be scary to think about, emergencies are almost unavoidable. 


What Is Exotic Pet Preventative Care?


Preventative care is the steps you take to protect your exotic pet from common diseases, parasites, and viruses. While these pathogens are easily known in pets like dogs and cats, the dynamics are slightly different with exotic pets. For instance, some of these are from somewhere other than the climatic regions where you live. That means that their biology could respond differently to the new climate.

Furthermore, these animals may be susceptible to pathogens that are not an issue for local pets. They could react differently to the common medicines that work for your local pet. This is why finding a specialized vet in your area is crucial. They will help you with preventative care for your exotic pet. 


Preventative Care for Your Exotic Pet


Preventative care is essential for your exotic pet's well-being. Different exotic pets require specific care, but they all fall under the same three main categories.


Regular Vet Visits


Regular vet visits are a nonnegotiable, even for ordinary pets. It is the bread and bone of preventative care. Regular vet visits allow your vet to closely monitor how your pet is doing. They get to know your pet better and notice any small changes in their health. The vet will monitor how your pet adjusts to the new environment and climate.


Diet and Nutrition


Many exotic pets require special diets that are similar to their native diets. A good diet will give them all the nutrition they need to stay healthy and maintain their immune system. Diet and nutrition are critical to their general well-being and growth.




Vaccinations are also a nonnegotiable because exotic pets may be vulnerable to common pathogens. A knowledgeable vet will ensure that your pet is well vaccinated to keep them safe from any pathogens that may affect them.


What Is Emergency Preparedness?


Emergency preparedness for your exotic pet means having a strategy in place in case of any health emergency. Exotic pets, like ordinary pets, are susceptible to emergencies. Here are the basics of emergency preparedness for your exotic pet:

  • Keep your vet's number and an emergency clinic on your phone and in your house, preferably on the fridge

  • Create an emergency kit for your exotic pet. This should include vaccination, medical records, microchip ID, blankets, and leashes

  • Keep toxic foods and substances far from your pet. Foods like chocolate and raisins are bad news

For more on exotic pet preventative care and emergency preparedness, visit Westminster Veterinary Group at our office in Westminster, California. Call (714) 899-1100 to book an appointment today.

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